Greg's Story

Greg Britton standing with his therapist.

Never one to miss a day of work, Greg Britton was delivering cars to dealerships for his job when his right knee began hurting. The pain was so severe that the 60-year-old left work early and took the next few days off to ice his knee. After two weeks of resting his knee, Greg went to the hospital for his continuing pain.

The doctors ran tests, prescribed pain medication and sent him home. After another week of excruciating knee pain, Greg could no longer walk. He went back to the hospital where he was diagnosed with gout, a common form of arthritis characterized by severe pain, redness and tenderness in the joints. He was given steroid treatment for the inflammation in his knee and recommended to
Ochsner Rehabilitation Hospital to continue his recovery.

Upon arrival to Ochsner Rehabilitation Hospital, Greg required assistance with bathing, dressing, toileting and transferring from bed to standing. The physician-led care team worked with Greg to develop a customized plan to get him home to his family.

In physical therapy, Greg initially required maximal assistance to stand in the parallel bars and was unable to walk due to intense knee pain and overall weakness in his legs. His therapy team worked to strengthen his legs and improve the range of motion in his knee. Greg was unstoppable, and soon he was able to take steps in the parallel bars and shortly thereafter, he was walking with a walker. By the time of discharge, Greg was able to walk with a walker and stand up independently. Indeed, he was also able to navigate stairs without physical assistance.

In occupational therapy, Greg learned how to use a transfer board and adaptive equipment (such as a long-handled sock aide) to assist with dressing on his left side. He also enthusiastically participated in therapeutic exercises and balance activities to improve his overall strength and activity tolerance. By the time of discharge, Greg could transfer independently between positions using a rolling walker and was able to complete all his activities of daily living using adaptive equipment as needed.

After 21 days in Ochsner Rehabilitation Hospital, Greg returned home to his family to continue gaining strength and refining his skills with home health services.
When asked about his experience, Greg shared, “This place is the best! You can’t ask for better people…. everyone here is so friendly.”

His advice for others on a recovery journey: “Just stay with the program and stay committed, because you’re going to get better. All the therapies and activities are part of the big picture, and it all comes together like a puzzle.